
Art Lesson Ideas

Goal: By the end of the project students will have a finished watercolor and oil pastel painting that reflects feelings and emotions.

Objectives: Students will be able to use a paintbrush and watercolors to emulate the emotions evoked in a poem of their choice.

Students will understand the concept of water and oil not mixing.

Description: This art project can connect to a literacy lesson on poems, specifically focusing on imagery and representing real feelings abstractly. I would have students come to class with a poem and have them read it out loud while others paint to the sounds that they feel the lines in the poem make. 

Materials: Paintbrush,Paper, Water colors, Oil Pastel

Shameless plug. || .Oil pastel & watercolor on paper.

Shameless plug. || .

Oil pastel & watercolor on paper.


Today was one of the grooviest days so far and by far. Thankfully the essence was captured by and reflects off a mixture of oil pastels and watercolor. From hard and short, possibly curvy,long,straight lines that cracked a neon crayon, to the rhythm of new bristles sliding across the paper, I took every moment to enjoy my respite. Laughed at the thought of practicing the sounds I’d hear out of my nuttiest kids if I asked them, “What type of sound do you think these lines would make?” All the while, my brush kinda felt like it was doing what it wanted to … like it was a limited holly x wand core collaboration. || .

Forget color schemes… i was just kinda in it. Wasn’t quite whistling Vivaldi. However, Haydn’s surprise was bumping. ||.

I wonder what Pity in the Summer would look like… what can I say? Still a NY **g**.